Magnifier & pocket eye magnifi

Magnifier & pocket eye magnifier cameras powerful features it will turn your phone into an awesome magnifying camera.




Magnifier & pocket eye magnifier cameras powerful features it will turn your phone into an awesome magnifying camera. By using magnifying zoom camera with Flash light you can clearly see tiny text and you can see small objects. For this you don't need to take a magnifying camera with you all the time you can just move the magnifier camera on your device by just moving your fingers.
It is a offline and free application for smart phone. It is an easy app that anyone can use it. With magnifier camera, now you will not miss any tiny text and small objects. You can zoom in and out the camera by just move your fingers.
Magnifier camera helps you to see small things and text in your which cannot be seen by aced eyes. This application helps in reading in everyday life.
Now you can see everything clearer and bigger. Reading small or tiny text is not easy, but this app solves your all problem of reading small text. Now it is not difficult to read the news paper or any boobs, prescription written on the medicine bottles.


Download The App & Enjoy .

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Magnifier camera helps you to see small things and text in your which cannot be seen by aced eyes. This application helps in reading in everyday life.

Magnifier & Pocket Eye Magnifi - It is a offline and free application for smart phone.